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The unique flowers of soft gold with dramatic orange stripes makes Tropical Sunset a focal point of the garden. With petals that soften in color as she ages, Tropical Sunset features 4.5” blooms on tall, strong canes with deep, leathery foliage. We love that her moderate fruity spice fragrance reminds us of tropical drinks on vacation! Enjoy this “tropical sunset” in your own backyard every night.
Type: Hybrid Tea
Color: Gold/striped orange
Fragrance: Lightly Fragrant
Hardiness Zones:
Size: 3' - 4' x 3'
Rebloom: Continual Blooming
Bloom Type: Full
Year: 1998
Breeder Code: MACtaurang
Put in the ground about a month ago at the beginning of August in zone 6b. I now have one in full bloom and 4 more buds. Definitely exceeded my expectations. Beautiful rose that has become one of the focal points in my rose garden.
I love multi-colors in this rose. It has very calming effect to it.
Just received my Tropical Sunset just canes from Heirloom Roses last July 30th, I planted it in a big pot August 1st and now there’s a lot of foliage after a few days, I was so amazed how healthy it is. For sure it will produce multiples buds in 2 to 3 weeks time just like my other roses I got from Heirloom Roses.
It is my own fault that this rose didn’t make it through last winter I guess, as it it is rated for zone 5, and we are in central MT in zone 4b. It did bloom last summer and is a gorgeous rose.
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