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There has been controversy over his name, so Jacques Cartier is often known as Marquise Boccella. His large, magnificent, 4” blooms feature 80+ petals with great old-rose character. This rose produces rich, clear, pink flowers, which are fully double and quartered, slowly opening to show a green eye. Jacques Cartier has an outstanding fragrance and is an upright, repeat blooming bush with medium-green foliage. Whatever you call him, he is a worthy addition to any garden!
Type: Portlands
Color: Rich clear pink
Fragrance: Exceptionally Fragrant
Hardiness Zones:
Size: 4' x 3'
Rebloom: Repeat Blooming
Bloom Type: Very Full | Quartered
Year: 1868
As usual, this rose arrived healthily and grew rapidly from a closely trimmed plant (for shipping) to 3 feet tall!
The order was late in the season so no blooms yet. I know it will show it’s true glory next spring!
Arrived with little to no foliage but in a few weeks time, has now exploded with rich dark green leaves & is just about ready to put out his 1st blooms! So far so good.
I received this rose a few months ago and it's still in its pot while I find room for it. It has has a dozen buds and blossoms on it! Beautiful rose with a lovely fragrance!
This rose has finally taken off and I absolutely love it. It is soft, elegant, full, and beautiful. The leaves are pretty, too. This is quickly becoming a favorite.
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