Biological Garden Fertilizers
Healthy roses start with healthy soil. Make sure your roses have the nutrients they need to flourish in every climate and soil! Biological products are the solution to the age-old challenge of getting the right nutrients delivered to your plant. They not only increase the amount of nutrients available to your plant, but they also break them down into a form that is easy for your rose to absorb. With these products’ simple, no-fuss application process and powerful impact on your roses’ health, you can spend more time enjoying your garden and less time worrying about whether your plants are receiving proper nutrition.
Application Instructions:
1. For every 5,000 Sq. Ft. of surface area to be treated, mix 2 level teaspoons into 2-3 gallons of lukewarm (NOT HOT) water. (Amount of water required may vary
depending on sprayer used.) Mix well.
2. To avoid clogging, pour solution into sprayer, decanting off the liquid from any sediment. (Sediment may be poured onto soil, or around trees and shrubs.)
3. Spray, covering foliage with a fine mist early in the day. Do not drench.
4. Repeat every 3-6 weeks throughout the growing season. (May be used as often as weekly, if desired). Stop fertilizing 6 weeks before your first frost so that your rose may go dormant and rest through the winter. May be used in conjunction with fish fertilizer by adding 4-8 ounces to the 2-3 gallon solution.
This product is not intended for needle bearing trees and shrubs.
Application Instructions:
Most Economical Method-Watering Can: Mix 1 level teaspoon (3g/0.1oz.) in 3 gallons of water; apply, with watering can around soil, in furrow or side dress plants to cover approximately 120 ft. of row, or 60 sq. ft.
Spray Application: Mix first in a bucket, using enough water for above area coverage, then pour into sprayer, decanting off settled solids to avoid plugging.
Most Convenient Method: Sprinkle dry powder in a light dusting in furrow when planting, or side dress plants. One bottle, applied dry, treats approximately 500 ft. of row, or 250 sq. ft.
For Pots: Add 1/4 teaspoon to soil for each 6-inch pot. Use up to 4 times throughout the growing season on vegetable crops, berries, herbs, ornamental plants, around fruit trees, and in containers.
Application Instructions:
For best results, add to compost at a rate of 20 grams (approx. 2 level tablespoons) per cubic yard of compost material.
May be applied one of three ways:
1. Mix with water and apply with a hose-end sprayer with screen removed.
2. Mix with 1/2 to 1 gallon of water, stir, and sprinkle over the compost pile with a watering can. Some sediment is normal, and can be added to the compost.
3. May also be sprinkled on dry, and lightly watered.
Apply to compost only, DO NOT apply to live plants or soil.